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The Italian Gardener Pty Ltd

Franchi Sementi Seeds

Franchi Sementi

Franchi Sementi S.P.A., of Bergamo in northern Italy is a family company that was formed in 1783 and has grown to be one of the largest seed companies in Italy. For more than 230 years they have been selling traditional seed varieties to discriminating gardeners and cooks in Italy, and more recent years they have expanded their operations around the world.

Franchi Sementi vegetables are predominantly open pollinating, heirloom varieties that are grown primarily for their eating quality and none are genetically engineered, and no seed is chemically treated. Seed is hermatically sealed in plasticated paper packets with the majority having an internal foil sachet. A very generous amount of seed is included, much more seed than the competition, and have high germination rates and long shelf life. A range of certified organic seed is also available.  Bulk seed is also available. 

The seed currently available through The Italian Gardener is only part of the vast range available from Franchi Sementi, so if there is something that you would particularly like, please email me so that it can be considered for inclusion. Locally sourced seed for beans, peas, corn, tomatoes and peppers is available as Italian seed for importing into Australia is either prohibited or requires very expensive testing.

Carrot seed and Pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, melon and watermelon seed requires testing.


Links to Franchi Agents around the World

Franchi Seeds UK


Franchi Seeds USA



Franchi Seeds Scandinavia


Franchi Seeds South Africa


Franchi Seeds Greece


Franchi Seeds New Zealand
