CHICORY (Cicoria) Catalogna Di Chioggia MAGNUM
Product Description
MAGNUM PACKS = Great Value (larger seed packets 3 times the standard amount of seed) Great for Market Growers or for Home Growers who want to buy one packet and store the seed for each season.
“Catalogna varieties of chicory, sometimes called asparagus chicory, grow in bushy bunches of long, white stemmed leaves that have a mildly bitter taste. Giant of Chioggia is grown primarily for its tall, thin stems. Can be used young in salads, or grown to maturity for cooking. The River Café Cookbook Green has several excellent receipes.
Sow direct in autumn and into spring and thin to 10-15 cm. Mature plants are best harvested in cool weather and can tolerate modest frost, but when small can be grown at anytime. 40+ days for salad size,70-75 days to full size.
Good resistance to cold weather.
30 Grams