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The Italian Gardener Pty Ltd

FLAT BEAN (Fagiolo nano) Roma II


FLAT BEAN (Fagiolo nano) Roma II


Product Description

Flat Roma or runner bush bean 15cm long, 1.5cm wide fleshy pods with excellent taste. very popular variety with resistance to common mosaic virus.

Plant 1”to 2” deep, 4-6” apart. Cultivate soil incorporating compost or a low nitrogen general purpose fertilizer. Keep soil moist until seed germinates, after that water moderately and regularly until harvest.

Provide trellis for pole beans; bush beans do not need a trellis.

Standard Packet About 50 untreated seeds $8.99

Larger Packet about 120 seeds 15.99 Click 'Larger Packet' below the title of product if you would like this option. 

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